What The Bible Says Ministry

This Is The Introduction To The Subject Of The Baptism Of The Holy Ghost

In the following pages, I invite you to investigate with me what the Bible says regarding the aspects of who received the baptism of the Holy Ghost: when and where this took place, the predicted duration of this miraculous age, as well as the supernatural abilities with which the recipients were endowed. We will be considering what the Bible reveals about who the administrator was of these unique abilites. Were there different measures of the Holy Ghost given to various individuals? Was this phenomenon peculiar only to the first century Christians, or do the scriptures support the idea that all who obey the gospel of Christ from the day of Pentecost forward, do in fact receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost which include the powers of healing, performing miracles, and speaking in tongues as evidence of salvation? I will endeavor to harmonize the synoptic gospels with the Acts of the Apostles, as well as the various epistles in the New Testament which refer to these signs and wonders, to determine what the Bible actually says about the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Should you have any questions, please go to my Contact Page and send me your questions or comments.